Sunday, April 3, 2011

Chuki's Dry Skin Remedy

So we got a lot of suggestions to try adding olive oil to Chuki's food in order to help with his dry skin. I did some research on my own and found that there are a lot of home remedies out there. Like I said, we've tried the oatmeal bath and it helps but only for the day that we give it to him. Plus it's not good to bathe a dog too frequently because it dries out their skin. So we can't continue to do that as a permanent fix.

My hesitation with olive oil is two fold. A) It's expensive. We don't even buy it for ourselves. When my parents were here they bought us a jar of olive oil and that's the only time we've ever had it in the house. We use sunflower oil instead because it's much cheaper. B) Because we cook for Chuki he gets a lot of oil already in the beef that he eats. We add sunflower oil to the beef when we cook it and it has a high fat content (16-17%). So he's getting a lot of natural oil from the beef.

So what we're trying now is a combination of sunflower oil and cod liver oil drizzled over his food. The cod liver oil was one of the home remedies that I read about. We started the treatment on Friday night, so hopefully in a week we'll have at least some results! We'll let you know!


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