Monday, February 21, 2011

Weekend Recap

We were in Quito this weekend, which is always nice and relaxing. We've developed a lovely Saturday morning routine that I really look forward to whenever we are at home on the weekends. Since Chuki doesn't really 'sleep in' all that much, we're up around the same time as normal (usually more like 7:30 instead of 6, but still). Saturday morning is a futbol morning. So Ryan will turn on the TV in anticipation of the Chelsea game, while I make coffee and catch up on blogs. Saturday morning is really the only time I allow myself to read Pioneer Woman, so I always look forward to that! (Her recipes always look so yummy but are never healthy and usually contain ingredients that we don't have.) While Ryan is watching the game before Chelsea, I look for something new and yummy to make for breakfast. This past week I made Banana Whipped Oatmeal! OH MY WORD! So good!

A side note about oatmeal: I grew up eating oatmeal for breakfast, especially in the winter. My mom would always say that it would stick to your ribs. I think she meant it would keep me warm. Anyways, I grew up eating the stuff from the package with all the flavors mixed in. You know, the add water and put in the microwave stuff. While I really liked that oatmeal then, I wouldn't really dream of ever buying it now (especially in Quito)! Regardless, we've been rediscovering oatmeal and eating it more and more. We always have oats here in the house because we usually always make our own granola (thanks to Ryan's mom). But just recently we've started using the stuff to make oatmeal instead of just granola. And boy is it delicious, so so so versatile and SUPER DUPER easy.

Anyways, I digress! This Saturday morning's oatmeal was inspired by Kath over at Kath Eats Real Food. Make it! Seriously, probably this week. Especially all of you back home that are freezing in your snow and ice storms! It's seriously yummy, filling and takes about 10 minutes from start to finish.

Here's what I did:
1 cup milk
1 cup oatmeal
1/2 cup water

Bring these three to a boil.

Cut up a banana. Cut 1/2 of the banana in really small pieces and the other half in bigger chunks. Add to the boiling oats and whisk, whisk, whisk until banana is dissolved and oats are fluffier than normal.

Add a splash of vanilla and cinnamon.

Divide the oatmeal into 2 bowls. Top with homemade granola (recipe coming soon), homemade almond butter (recipe coming soon), frozen raspberries, dried cranberries and a spoonful of honey.

ENJOY with a great cup of coffee!

Then once breakfast is ready, the three of us watch the Chelsea game together. I'll admit I come and go while watching at least the 1st half of the game, between the computer, the kitchen and the couch! Then usually, we take Chuki for a nice long walk after the game. (You all know what happened to Chuki on this week's 'nice long walk'! It wasn't so nice, instead it was more bloody. Poor bear.)

It's really a routine that I've come to look forward to on the weekends!
