Tuesday, March 15, 2011

I'm looking forward to...

Lately I've been thinking a lot about the things that I'm looking forward to back in the States. Here are my top 5...

1. A laundry machine for both washing and drying! I seriously can't wait!
2. A vacuum. Do you understand how hard, time consuming and ineffective sweeping carpet is, especially when you have a dog?
3. Having friends and family near by to be able to hang out with.
4. Fixed prices. You think that it'd be nice to be able to bargain. It's not really; it's actually more stressful. I want to walk into a store and know that apples cost $1/pound for me, for the guy next to me, for the homeless guy, for everyone.
5. English. I'm ready to be able to fully express myself. While I've learned a lot of spanish and I like to think that I'm pretty decent at it, it's not my native tongue and it's frustrating when I can't really be able to say how I feel or what I think. Especially when the lady at the market is trying to charge me $5/pound of apples just because I'm white.

See you in 50 days!


Project Pichincha - Day 5

15 March 2011 at 7:00 am

Project Pichincha - Day 4

14 March 2011 at 6:30 pm

Project Number 2 - Day 6

Yesterday for breakfast I ate an egg sandwich, a cup of coffee and a banana.

For lunch I had some more guacamole rice and a piece of focaccia.

For dinner we had dal and a lot of focaccia bread. Plus a little cola manzana.