Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Success in Quito

Yesterday was a really productive day. For having two pretty stressful 'issues' going on simultaneously, I've been really proud of my level of calm. Those two 'issues' being the landlady and Chuki's hurt leg. Anyways, back to yesterday. I had two classes in the morning then Ryan and I took Chuki back to the vet because he had eaten his whole bandage off during the night. We were hopeful that our regular vet would be there and we were so thankful that she was. She happily changed his bandage and called around to locate a vet in the area that had a cone collar big enough for Chuki. She found one and Ryan was able to pick it up that day. Plus it cost $10 less than we were expecting!! Success #1: Chuki now has a cone collar! While Ryan went to the other vet to get the cone collar, I went down to Old Town to get a universal charger so we could finally charge the camera. I wasn't sure where to go exactly, but I had an idea. The first place I popped my head into had a charger that worked and I bought it for $5! Success #2: We now have a camera charger! I guess it doesn't take much for me to deem a day productive any more!

Things you have to look forward to: a post on Chuki's craziness with this injury, photos from Papallacta, a dinner party post, and maybe the most perfect pumpkin scone recipe.

Things we have to look forward to: free LIGA game tonight, Ibarra this weekend, the beach (hopefully!!) for Carnival, funesca and and Oscar party!


PS. I forgot about this success. I finally made friends with the maid of one of my kids classes. She has never been very nice, blah blah blah. But yesterday, I stayed an extra 30 minutes so her husband could drive me home. She made me a snack (bread and cheese) and hot chocolate. PLUS, an added bonus, it was amazing cheese. It tasted like brie! Success #3: Making friends with the maids!

To Do List

  1. Bake bread
  2. Pick up the apartment
  3. Do the dishes
  4. Sweep and mop the floors 
  5. Blog
  6. Upload photos
  7. Catch up on emails
  8. Run
  9. Shower
  10. Class
  11. Free LIGA game
This is my day. You'll be hearing from me later! 

Before I go, I just thought I'd tell you what Chuki is doing RIGHT NOW. He's looking in the mirror with his cone on, just staring at himself. And he's been there for about 5 minutes. I don't know if he thinks there is a strange dog in his house with a strange thing on his head or if he just feels bad for himself. Either way, it's pretty pathetic and precious, all at the same time.