Monday, September 20, 2010

The Girl Who Played with Fire

I just finished The Girl Who Played With Fire by Stieg Larsson. This is the second book in the series that began with The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo. I'm still recommending the series, although I certainly thought that the Dragon Tattoo was much better that Fire This book moved very slowly in the beginning, actually in the first half. It wasn't until nearly 60% (when reading on the Kindle) that I was really, really interested. The first book moved quickly from beginning to end but not this one.

The Girl Who Played with Fire actually reminded me of one of the middle episodes of a season of 24. You have to watch it in order to understand how the season ends, but it's like come on already. That's how I felt about this book. I had to read it but it was like let's get going!

I'm excited about the third and final book. I hope that it's more action packed like the first and ties up some loose ends. Most of all, I hope Lisbeth and Blomkist end up together!

Definitely gets a READ recommendation but beware it's a tad slow.
