Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Project Number 2 - Day 21 (Tuesday)


Breakfast - Coffee and a piece of bread

Lunch - Almuerzo which included shrimp soup, rice, a tiny salad, and chicken. Plus some very yummy juice.

Snack - Yogurt with oatmeal, strawberries, a banana and peanut butter.

Dinner - Curry Rice Salad. If you've never had rice salad I suggest you make it soon. Last night our rice salad was served over a bed of spinach, swiss chard and cabbage. Drizzled with oil and vinegar, salt and pepper. In the rice salad I put peas, green beans, onions, green peppers and dried cranberries. Combine that with the rice and whatever dressing you like (I used a curry dressing, similar to chicken curry salad). And eat! It's super filling and a good way to get rid of some of the veggies that might be on the verge of going bad.

For dessert we each had a bowl of yogurt, strawberries and granola (and mine had peanut butter) while we watched a couple episodes of LOST.

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