Thursday, February 11, 2010

Mystery Fruit #2, 3 and 4

Ok, well we know that the Kiwi is a Kiwi. All of the others, well, we're not quite sure.

The little banana looking things were filled with orange seeds that tasted kind of sour. Ryan mashed them and tried to make a juice. Meh, not so good.

The green and brown thing that looks like a mini-watermelon tasted like a pear combined with something else, but I'm not sure what. We sprinkled some brown sugar on it and it was pretty tasty.

The red things that look like sea urchins were by far the best thing we ate. You peel the spiny skin off of them and the inside looks like an eyeball. Yes this part was slightly unappetizing. They have long seeds in them and the fruit is around the long seed. They taste like nothing that I've tasted. They're sweet, in a good way, and have the texture of those little onion things that come in a jar that are sometimes served with cocktails. Regardless, I liked them best and I'd like to figure out how I could bake with them.

Has anyone seen any of these before? Or better yet, has anyone made anything with these before?

Thanks! MULUB,

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