Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Thanksgiving in Ecuador

This will be the second Thanksgiving that I've spent away from home and it will be Ryan's first away from home. My first time was when I was in Prague. I had SUCH a fun day with new friends that day. And I expect being away this time to be exactly the same.

Our plan is to go over to our friend Grant's house in the afternoon on Saturday. Seeing that no one really celebrates here, a Thursday celebration is about impossible. Although, I do plan on making a few Thanksgiving things like my Gramma's deviled eggs and some sort of pumpkin dessert for the three of us to have on Thursday. 

This weekend is the national census. We're not really sure how everything will work, but from what we sort of know (as is everything in Ecuador) no one will be serving or selling alcohol starting on Friday; you have to remain in your house on Sunday from 7am until 5pm; and if you're out on the streets you're subject to a fine. Interesting. More on that when it actually happens. 

So Grant and his Ecua-roomie are making the turkey and everyone is charged with bringing a side. We'll have a healthy mix of Americans, Brits and Ecuas so the menu will be far from traditional. Ryan is making cornbread and chorizo stuffing; plus apple chutney. I have been going back and forth. For all of the food blogs that I read you'd think that something would have caught my eye. But alas, I've spent most of today looking and looking and I can't find anything that I absolutely am dying to make. 

Keep in mind, we don't have cranberries, brussels sprouts or sweet potatoes. I really am lamenting over their absences. I think I've decided on two desserts: a simple apple tart and pumpkin bread pudding. Plus I'm going to make homemade green bean casserole (no soup cans, canned beans or friend onions from a cardboard can). 

Most of all, I'm excited to share this holiday with new friends. There's something very bonding about sharing such a tradition together. I can't wait! 

At this time in 14 days we will be in an airplane from Miami to Chicago! I'm so excited! 


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