We're planning on leaving any minute now, well as soon as finish the dishes and the laundry. Supposedly there's a bus that leaves every 20 minutes from the main bus station. So we'll head over there and wait until the next one comes.
Once we get to Otavalo we plan on going to the markets all day tomorrow and then Sunday hiking around Cuichocha lake (Guinea Pig Lake). And yes folks, we plan on eating lots and lots of cui, otherwise known as guinea pig. =)
We'll be back either Sunday night or Monday morning, depending and then we're going out for dinner at Zazu to celebrate Valentine's Day (a day late).
We'll take lots of pictures and post them to Facebook when we get back. Plus we've got some skype dates that we're really excited on Monday!
Ryan is excited about going to the markets and possibly buying an Andean ukulele thingy (his words, not mine).
I'm excited to be in the mountains.
Cheers Mates,
Taylor and Ryan