Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Do's and Don'ts of Home Cooking

About a week ago I told you how we came to the decision of home cooking for Chuki. Today is about more practical matters. What can the dog eat and what can't the dog eat? Now, just like cooking for humans there are infinite possibilities of what a puppers can eat. You can get really fancy or you can be super simple. Either way, the dog will (mostly) love everything.

Also just like humans, dogs don't like to eat somethings and shouldn't eat other things. For example, we've learned that Chuki doesn't like raw spinach. Cooked, he has no problem with but don't even try to give him the stuff raw. He really doesn't like any leafy green that is raw, but will eat all of them if cooked. Chuki, like his momma, doesn't like beets... IN ANY FORM. And then there are things that he LOVES! Also, like his momma, the Chukinator LOVES cheese and peanut butter. (bunny trail) The only way that you can determine what he likes and doesn't like is by trying.

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