So, we're on the market again for a new place to live. We've been looking up in apartment building windows again and we'll probably try to set up some appointments for this weekend. Needless to say, Ryan's golden birthday will be spent not on a great mini-vacay but instead probably looking at one crappy apartment after another.
If anyone of our Quito mates that read this know of a place to live that is DOG FRIENDLY we would love to know! We're not expecting something as spacious or as convenient as this place is. But it will be nice to live completely on our own. Without this weird pressure/expectation/being treated like children of the family.
Anyways... that's what's new on our end. We're looking forward to being in a new place but not looking forward to all of the work it takes.
More importantly we need to figure out this barking thing with Chuki. I can imagine its pretty mind-numbing when a dog just barks and whines and barks and whines.
The craziest part is that last night they told us he barks every morning from 5am to 9am. Which is absurb, seeing that I have to get him out of bed at 5:45 for a walk and we don't leave till 6:45. But anyways... so we wanted to see how long he really barks for. So we set up the flip (courtesy of the lovely Miss Roslyn) on the table, turned it on, gave him a bone, and left. Now the flip recoded for 1 hour and 42 minutes and not a single bark was uttered by Chuki. Other dogs, yes, Chuki, no. So riddle me that.
Who the heck knows! But we'll be looking =) WOO HOO, not.
PS. This is when I really miss simple things like Craigslist and Yelp and Where you can just enter neatly into electronic fields all of things you are looking for and BOOM a super long list of possibilities. Oh the 3rd World... oh Ecuador.