Thursday, April 7, 2011

Chuki's Dry Skin - Revisited

No longer do we think that he just has dry skin. We're pretty sure he's allergic to something. So after reading and reading and reading on forums, and vet's websites and news articles we've come up with a treatment plan.

Remember when he cut his leg about a month ago and he wasn't going out for walks because he couldn't? Well the itching started shortly after we took him back to Metropoliatno for the first time post-accident. I'm thinking he's allergic to one of the flowers, grasses, trees, or something up there. Metropolitano isn't just a park like Central Park, it's more of a forest preserve, like a prairie. And of course his favorite thing to do is to run around like a crazy person in all of the tall grass. But I think that's the problem.

Anyways, treatment plan is going something like this...
1. Switching food to beef and quinoa, instead of rice. Switching food has helped lots of dogs with all sorts of allergies, not only food allergies.

2. Omega 369 daily. This is supposed to help reduce inflammation in his skin and rebuild healthy skin and hair growth.

3. Increased yogurt and oil in diet. The yogurt has probiotics in it that is supposed to help relieve itching.

4. Benadryl when needed.

5. Wiping him down completely after he comes in from a walk.

6. Limiting the amount of time in Metropolitano. We were taking him like every day because he loves it so much but we're going to have to reign that in.

7. Continual cleaning of his ears, his paws and his red scratches with the solution from the vet.

That's the plan.

Project Number 2 - Day 29 (Wednesday)

Yesterday I ate...

Breakfast - 1 bowl of burnt oatmeal (it's gross) and 1/2 cup of coffee. After the burnt oatmeal I couldn't get anything else down. Plus we were out of milk and I drink milk in my coffee. It was just a bad breakfast all around.

Lunch - We finished up the last of the veggies in the fridge and made a salad. The salad included cabbage, green peppers, red onions and carrots. Plus a couple of pieces of cut up ham. Topped with oil, vinegar, salt, pepper and sage. It was really good. Cabbage is a lost vegetable. It's so tasty, it lasts forever and it gives things a nice crunch. You should buy cabbage and eat it instead of iceberg lettuce.

Dinner - We had to go to the grocery last night because our fridge was BARE. It was strange though because we're starting to taper what we're buying. So instead of buying a big box of 12 milks, we only bought 3. And instead of buying the big flour, we bought the little one. Strange! Anyways, it was late and we both had headaches when we got home. Ryan's eyes are bothering him with his contacts so he's been wearing his glasses all day but the glasses aren't the right prescription, which is causing him to have headaches and to be sleepy. I've just had a headache for weeks now. Who knows? Anyways, back to dinner. Ryan had made flatbread dough during the day. So when we got home I just cut up some veggies, assembled and popped them into the oven. Homemade flatbreads are really super easy and not too bad for you either. To our crust I added: a drizzle of oil, a layer of tomatoes, caramelized onions, wilted spinach with basil and garlic, a smattering of 'mozzarella' cheese.  Bake for 7-10 minutes and eat! YUM!

We watched 2 episodes of LOST and then hit the hey.