The KFC Double Down. I mean, if this "sandwich" possesses a single fault I can't find it. Other than perhaps another chicken breast could be added, somewhere. Hell, maybe throw in a donut or something, too. Lord knows I'd be the last to complain.
First, McDonalds comes in with their McGriddle trying to be real cutting-edge. Ooooo, a sandwich made out of pancakes. BOOOORING!!! Call me when you're using fried chicken breasts.
"Hello, Ryan. It's the Colonel, we need to talk...".
This "sandwich" is everything that is right with America, and I'm proud to be an American where at least I know I'm free. And I gladly stand up next to this "sandwich". God bless the USA.
After "do you smoke?" and "are you sexually active?", doctors are going to start asking, "Have you consumed a Double Down in the last 48 hours?". And well they should. I think the CDC might get involved as well.
There is KFC in Ecuador (Gus is better), but who knows if they'll carry this item. I certainly hope they do. If not, I guess it's back to boring old bread. Ho hum.