Monday, April 11, 2011

Our Psychic Dog (and his skin)

So Chuki had another psychic experience on Friday. We were on our way back from the bank and we were stopped on the median waiting for a green light. Ryan was walking him and all of a sudden he started doing that low bark again at this group of people across the street. We're teaching him not to stare, because it's impolite but also because it's usually accompanied by some serious pulling. So Ryan stands in front of him to break his view but Chuki was having none of that. He just kept staring at this group of people. Ryan and I just assumed it was some lady selling fritada or something on the street with her customers around her. So Chuki is staring and doing this low bark, which isn't an intimidating bark at all. It's more of an alert.  There's nothing aggressive about it. It almost sounds worried, if that's possible. Anyways, when we crossed the street and walked past the group of people there was a lady laying on the ground having a seizure. CRAZY!

Is this normal for dogs to do?

On another note, it appears that what we've been doing the last couple of days has been working. He's not itching as much, I think largely due to the medicine. But also his 'wounds' aren't open sores anymore, they're all scabbing over. That's about it. Other than that, he's doing great.


Job Search...

So the job search has begun. It actually began last week. I hate the whole process because I'm not a very good waiter. I'm the type of person who likes to send an email and get a response within 24 hours! I've been looking and looking for just about anything online. There's actually quite a bit out there but a lot of it I'm not qualified for.

I got super excited a couple of days ago because I received an email back from one of the positions I had found on craigslist but it turned out to be a scam. Note to self - don't apply for real jobs via craigslist. I've been looking mainly for babysitting jobs and office work jobs so far (secretary/admin stuff). And this week I'm about to branch out into the retail sector. I've been talking with a couple of families about regular sitting hours, which would be great. So everyone pray and keep your fingers crossed that those pan out, if they're supposed to.

If you know of anything in the Rockford area, send it our way. We'll do just about anything. I'd love to learn how to do something new!


Ps. Our neighbors dogs are driving us crazy! They've always been barkers. When you open the door, when we lock the door from inside, when we get in the elevator, when we throw our trash down the tube, they bark. But for the last couple of days they have been barking all day for no apparent reason. I don't know what's going on but I seriously want to knock on their door and complain. It's so annoying!

Project Number 2 - Day 33 (Sunday)

Yesterday was a Charlie and the Chocolate Factory day. We literally watched LOST all day. No, like seriously, all day. We've started season 4 now. It's good. Real good. I was super hungry yesterday and spent most of the day snacking. I don't really like to do this, but that's what happens when you're lazy. I'm just going to list everything that I consumed... don't judge. I did expend 4000 calories the day before.

Yogurt with strawberries, banana and uvillas
Crackers and peanut butter
Chili and corn bread
Peanuts and a banana
A pumpkin scone
Another package of crackers
*I forgot that I also had some ham and cheese rolls!

And that was just breakfast and lunch. We went to our friend, Grant's house last night for dinner! It was the first 'going away' thing we've done. Dinner was amazing but it's such a strange feeling to only have one more week in Quito. Grant is a fabulous cook and he completely spoiled us with ingredients we NEVER buy! For dinner we had a simple salad of baby spinach, capers, parmesan cheese and olive oil. Seriously we have NEVER bought these ingredients in Quito because they're too expensive! We felt treated! Then after salad we had an amazing wild rice and mushroom casserole. Ryan and I both usually shy away from mushrooms but this casserole was so good without any of the texture problems I usually have with mushrooms! We also had homemade quinoa bread and ham! And there was dessert! It was a custardy/cheesecakey pie-ish thing with an oatmeal crust and fresh blackberries on top. AMAZING! I'm actually searching for the recipe right now. As soon as I find it, I'll link it!

The best part of the night was the company and the conversation. We talked about a wide range of topics: from crazy families, to the food industry in the States, from dogs, to traveling. It was fantastic! I'd be lying if I didn't tell you we also consumed quite a bit of cheap wine and quite a few rum and cokes! But it wouldn't be Ecuador without them!

Today it's back to 3 meals a day! Starting with coffee, which is much needed after last night!