Yesterday I caught myself thinking about Christmas vacation all day! The way I think about it is in two parts. First, the home part and then the vacation part. When we're home I can't wait to see all of my family at Bogdan Christmas, our Rockford friends, my Chicago friends! I can't wait for Starbucks coffee in a red cup. I can't wait for Aunt Ginny's sweet potatoes and Toby's Kanakuk Coffee Cake! I can't wait to watch all of the littles open Christmas presents! I can't wait for Christmas trees, and Christmas lights and Christmas smells! It's going to be a VERY busy week and a half but oh so worth it because after the home part, there's the vacation part.
While on vacation, I can't wait to relax! I can't wait to watch movies and chat with my mom and dad and brother on the drive down. I can't wait to lay in the sun ALL day. I can't wait to read a TON on the kindle and play with my family! I can't wait to get all fancy for dinner and then spend the night at the shows, dancing and in the casino!
Basically, I just can't wait! It's only 48 days away, I know. But I just can't wait. My words of wisdom for you today: absence really does make the heart grow fonder!