Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Baking Woes

So we're sitting here at home, 20 minutes late for Casey's going away party because I'm waiting on this stupid cake to finish baking. Smittenkitchen told me it should olny take about 20 minutes, as did a ton of her fans' comments, but no, not here in Ecuador.

I'm in a baking rut. Everything that I've made lately comes out too light, too airy. Light and airy is good, dont get me wrong, but not when you want oozey and gooey or rich and creamy or just regular cake. I don't get it.

Does anyone have any ideas why everything I bake isn't cooking properly? and how I can adjust so that it does?


Transitional Plan

If you don't have a transitional plan you run lots of risks with Home Cooking for your dog. First of all the pup may not actually like home cooking so you have to ween him on. I've never actually heard of that happening, but I suppose it's a possibility. 

More importantly is the pup needs time to adapt to new foods. Believe me, Chuki has enough stomach issues as it is, I wouldn't want to add one to your pup! So go slow and be aware. You're looking for anything out of the ordinary. Keep your eyes open for vomiting, diarrhea, dullness of coat or glassy eyes. Warning this is kind of gross: You will probably see a change in his poop for the first couple of days, maybe even a week. It will probably be softer and not pellet like. What you don't want is pure liquid coming from his bottom end. Just be mindful of it.  

The Tale of the Missing Cheese

Right after pay day we were feeling pretty low and so on our weekly Wednesday night trip to the grocery store, I decided to splurge and buy some cheese. Real cheese that is. None of this Queso Fresco bologna. It was $7 for a teeny, tiny round. The round was divided into four quarters of four different cheeses. One quarter was a mild cheddar, one was a herbed cheese, one was a gouda, and the other one I can't remember.

Now you may wonder why I can't remember what it was seeing that I, clearly, love cheese and remember the others. Well... let me tell you.

We had just opened said quarter of cheese in the kitchen. We were going to snack on it while watching a movie (or probably more accurately Big Bang Theory on DVD). Said cheese was on the counter in the kitchen, on a cutting board. We each cut ourselves a piece and then I gave a tiny piece to Chuki and we went into the living room to proceed with the movie. When I came back to the kitchen for my second piece (I had every intention of eating the whole quarter that night) it was gone. GONE! What's $7 divided by 4? Because whatever that is, just went down the drain. Or to be more exact down Chuki's little mouth, into his very happy tummy.

Needless to say, I was more than astonished and very, very mad! That was the first time I'd ever known him to jump up on the counter. Oh what a bad, bad dog! But even Chuki will do whatever it takes for some decent cheese in this country.

Now whenever we get the 'good cheese' out I guard it. It goes at the VERY back of the counter with a towel over it and something very noisy in front of it, like a pan with a medal spoon in it. That way the alarm will sound if he even tries to get to MY CHEESE!
