The point of this blog was originally to keep our friends and family back home updated on our daily life while we were away but its certainly turned into more than that. I find comfort in knowing that this blog is here and that it will be here for me to look through long after this experience here in Ecuador is over. It's become an outlet for me to express big idea ticket items and small everyday changes and occurrences.
And the fact that there are people who enjoy (or feel obligated, I'm not sure) to read it, is an added bonus. I read a lot of blogs and I'm always amazed at how some homespun blogs, not too dissimilar to our own, have readerships in the hundreds of hundreds and who receive 30 comments on each post. I'm really amazed by these blogs and I think it's fantastic. But that's not why we blog. Would I love for hundreds of hundreds of people to read what I have to say? Of course. But it's not my main objective. The mere existence of this blog reminds me to process this adventure as I experience it and to not let the days go by without really taking them in. It reminds me to observe, to experience and to assimilate all at the same time. It reminds me to process how I'm feeling, to discuss differences and to ask questions about things I don't understand. It reminds me to not stay the same American that I was when I came, but instead to become something more similar to Bill Clinton's idea of a global citizen.
I blog because I was never any good at keeping a journal and the slight pressure and accountability of having a blog do the trick for me. I hope that you, whoever you are, enjoy reading. We have readers all over the globe. We both always get so excited and so curious about our international readers. We try to think if we know anyone in the country that pops up in our 'stats.' So far we've had readers from: the USA (clearly), Ecuador (also clear), Brazil, Canada, Ukraine, Netherlands, Chile, Italy, Hungary, Russia, Denmark, Japan, Egypt, Slovenia (this makes me especially happy because of it's proximity to Prague), South Korea, Australia and Germany. We don't know anyone in Brazil, Canada, the Ukraine, the Netherlands, Chile, Italy, Hungary, Russia, Denmark, Egypt or Slovenia. We're guessing that our reader in Australia is the lovely Miss Sarah Axelson from Toodleson; that our reader in Germany is our new friend Katy from our TEFOL class; and that our reader in Korea is the ever amazing Liz Nolan! But everyone else, it's a mystery to us! If you feel so inclined to let us know who you are please leave a comment or send us an email at
Most of all, I hope that you learn something about our small section of the globe. And I hope that you too can carve out time to think about your adventures instead of just letting them pass you by.
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