Friday, July 30, 2010

Healthcare in Ecuador

So Ryan and I have been sick now for quite some time. I have been sick ever since we got back from the beach (July 5) and Ryan has been sick for about 2 weeks. We were putting of going to the doctor because it just seemed like such a hassle. I mean, if it takes hours to get a package from the post office, you can imagine how long it will take to get a doctors appointment, attend it and then get the prescription. Plus it would be a lot of spanish that we aren't necessarily familiar with and that just added to the dread.

We've been stocking up on Vitamin C and trying to rest. The resting part has been kind of hard because a) we're training for the 1/2 marathon and so we need to stay on schedule and b) we couldn't sleep because I would have these coughing attacks all throughout the night that would wake Ryan, and sometimes Chuki, up. So the resting part was hard and we finally decided it might be time to actually go to the doctor.

So on Wednesday we called to make two appointments, one for Ryan and one for me. We made sure that we called when Jhon, our spanish teacher, was here in case we got into some translation problems. Ryan made the phone call and set up his appointment and then when he was setting up mine they got disconnected. Jhon called back and set up my appointment. We were scheduled for Thursday, Ryan at 2 and me at 2:15.

Now the health insurance system here is one of reimbursement. So you have to take this form that is signed and sealed from your employer to the appointment with you. Ryan got the forms from inlingua and we left for the appointment.

When we arrived to the place it was PACKED! There were chairs set up for waiting and then counters with numbers. You went in, got a number, and waited. There was ONE girl at the counter processing all of the requests. This step was comparable to the 'check in' phase of an American doctors appointment, even though it took more like 25 minutes. So our number is called, we go up to the one girl, who has papers all over the place. They're not in any particular order, they're just laying all over her work station. There are other people rifling through them; it was a mess. We give her our insurance cards and our forms and she can't find us in the system. Apparently the guy over the phone had spelled our last names wrong (big surprise!) and so for a few minutes we were panicky that we had just waited, we weren't feeling well, and now we aren't going to get to see the doctor. She eventually found our names and asked for her $8. Then she told us to go into this little room off the waiting room.

There wasn't anyone in the little room when we got there, so we waited a couple of minutes. Finally a nurse came in and weighed us, measured us, took our blood pressure, and our pulse. She put all of that information into the computer and then took us to the doctor.

The doctor had us sit down (notice that we're in the same appointment, not two separate ones like we had requested). He asked what our symptoms were; he listened to us breathe; and he wrote out a prescription. Then he also had to fill out our insurance forms. Also notice, he didn't tell us what was wrong with us just that there was a problem and to take these pills.

He told us to go back to the waiting room and get a number. So we got another number, this time for medicines, and we waited. This time, we weren't quite sure what we were waiting for. We had our prescriptions, we'd already paid, our forms were signed... Anyways, finally they called our number. The girl, a different one this time, entered our prescriptions into the computer, made copies of our insurance forms, and did some other things (who knows what) and then told us we were free to leave.

The whole process took a little over an hour and was relatively painless. It just seemed to us like a lot of paperwork and a lot of who-ha for not really anything more than a walk in clinic in the states.

I went to go get our medicines that night. We each had two and they were all different. Apparently the doctor said that my 'problem' was worse than Ryan's, who knows why?! Anyways, the one pharmacy was out of one of my medicines so I had to go across the street to the other pharmacy (Funny how some things are the same everywhere. ie, a Walgreens and a CVS on two corners of one intersection.) Finally I have all of the medicines and I get back home and we take them.

Now I had already planned to go over to our friends house for a girls night and so I took my medicine and then I got dressed (kind of, I still went in my pjs) and I headed over there. All of a sudden as we were sitting there the medicine kicked in and I got SO tired and my head felt like it was floating somewhere detached to my body. Plus my stomach started to ache; Needless to say I came home shortly after I got there.

We're on an every 12 hour rotation for the medicine, so I took mine again this morning at 6 and have been sleeping on and off all morning. It's a good thing all my classes were cancelled today because I don't think I would be able to teach. The other good thing is that I feel like I'm coughing less and less. PLUS I WAS ABLE TO SLEEP THROUGH THE NIGHT! Which was so relieving!

So for now, we're just relaxing, staying inside, not doing much of anything. Hopefully in a couple of days we'll be back to normal. The only thing I hope is that there are no serious injuries/sicknesses while we're here. I can't even imagine the hassle it would be. Knock on wood, right?

Hope all is well with everyone at home!


Wednesday, July 28, 2010


I'm really REALLY excited because two of my dearest friends are coming to visit us in October! Roz and Doug will be here for 10 days in the middle of October and I couldn't be happier.

Just thought everyone should know!


Friday, July 23, 2010

Where's the love?

Just putting it out there, we love comments.

Instructions: Have a gmail account, click on the comments button at the bottom of a post, write your comment, select gmail account, enter your gmail email address and password, press post, enter the 'secret word', press post, enter the other 'secret word', press post!

If you don't have a gmail account, well you should, because then we can video chat and you can leave comments and both of those things make us feel good!


Thursday, July 22, 2010

How we got the new place...

So Taylor has shown you the pictures of the new place, but she hasn't said how it was exactly that we came to be there. It's quite a good story I must say.

Taylor found the number of a place in El Comercio and called it up. It was the number of real estate agents, a man and his two female cohorts, and they took her to see the place. It was Chelsea's last game of the season so I didn't go. The place that they took her to was too small, too expensive, and too far away, as I recall her saying. She said she didn't like it, so they said, Ok we've got another place for you to see. Then they took her to see the place we're living in right now.

Later in the day, when I met up with Taylor she told me about the place. She made arrangements to see it again in the late afternoon. We looked at a few other places in the meantime, including this huge, weird looking one that was super long and had an old-timey fireplace. So we look at the place we are in now again and I loved it too. It was perfect for us and for Chucki. We took a day to think about it and then called to say we wanted the place. So the real estate agents called the owner and arranged for us to meet and sign that Monday night.

We go there on Monday and find the real estate agents there, but the owner is not present. We wait and wait, and as I remember I was feeling really sick that night. We ask if they can call the owner and see what's going on. They call her and apparently she had sold the place, neglecting to tell the real estate agents

Needless to say we were quite upset about not getting the place. Taylor walked by the apartment later in the week and found the sign in the window still up. So Taylor called the real estate agents and asked what the deal was. Apparently the potential buyer was not quite ready to commit so he asked for more time and would know for sure by the next Monday. So we ended up having to look apartments that weekend as well. We found another place for the same price and it would've been a sufficient substitute. But we still wanted the other place.

So we called again on Monday, he did not call us, mind you. And he says he'll know on Tuesday. We get the impression that this guy is not a real estate agent, but instead plays in a professional foot-dragging league. It becomes apparent to us that, for whatever reason, this guy doesn't know what he's talking about. As I mentioned before, the sign in the apartment window was still up, and Taylor had taken down the number of the owner and called her. She said that the buyer had decided not to take the apartment, and she would rent it to us if we were still interested. We went to the apartment and sign the papers with her boyfriend, who is a lawyer.

That's all there is to it. Except. A week or two after we moved into the apartment, our apartment phone (it's a direct line to the guard) rings while we are watching a movie or something. Taylor answers but can't understand the guard so goes down to the front door. The phone rings again and it's Taylor and she tells me to come down right away. So I go down. The real estate agent is there and he brought his cadre, and they're yelling at Taylor. So I'm like "what's going on?" They tell me that the owner has failed to pay them their commission, and so they want us to pay it. I ask how much the commission is and Taylor tells me it's 400 dollars. I say no immediately, though I would have said no had they asked for 50 cents and a bucket of powdered Gatorade. Before I got there, apparently the guy had threatened that he was going to go all over town smearing us and say that we're bad people, and that when he doesn't get paid, bad thing happen. We'll he didn't even know my first name or either of our last names, so, good luck jackass. I say, look, I'm sorry you didn't get "your" money but that's not my problem, that's between you and the owner, so stop bothering us. More later.


Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The "New" Place

So I realize we haven't said much about the new place because when we moved we 'lost' the internet. So here are some photos... for those of you who've stayed here it looks a little different! Our top priorities now, before Ryan's parents arrive, is curtains for the big windows, a couple of lamps and getting the artwork we bought in Otavalo hung! Enjoy!

Here I am standing with my back to the front door

Look to the right and you have floor to ceiling closets and a 1/2 bath.

Maria Jose this one is for you. We finally hung your masks in the guest bathroom!

Look to your left and there's the kitchen.

Close up view out the kitchen window =)

Now, at the end of the kitchen, on the left hand side is a door that leads back to what would have been the maids quarters. (Yes, it is absurd that a one bedroom apartment would have a maids quarters.) That tiled block straight in front of the picture is where we wash our clothes. The cream colored thing hanging on the wall is the caliphone that heats our water, sometimes.

If you turn to the right from the washer, we have a little baby door that leads to the terrace.

Here's the maid's bedroom. We use it to store things.

At the end of the bedroom, on the left hand side, is another full bath. This is the bath our guests use!

Suicide shower and all!

Now, if you go back to the little room with the washer and you go out that little door, you are on the terrace. This is looking towards the left.

Here's a better view of Pichincha!

The rest of the deck. We spend a lot of time out here!

Here's a better picture of our view!

Now we're back inside and here's if I'm standing at the front door again.

Past the door to the kitchen, if you look to the left we have our little living room!

Slash dining room combo!

To the right of where the kitchen table is, there's a full wall that comes out about 9 feet (I really have no idea how many feet, I'm just guessing) and it creates a nook in which we've created our makeshift guest room! We're hoping that the bed will be fixed soon!

Then to the right of the guest room is our bed room. This picture is taken from the front door. Chuki clearly wasn't ready to get up yet!

In our bedroom on the right hand side, if you're standing at the door to the bedroom.

On the western wall of our bedroom is our big walk in closet. (My side)

Ryan's side.

And then just south of the closet is our bathroom. Nice toilet seat huh?

Trickle of a Shower...

And just for good measure, Chuki scratching himself!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Recent Rumblings

We haven't had magazines in a really long time. But when my parents came down they brought a ton. All different kinds too, People, golf magazines, Newsweek, Chicago, etc... Anyways, I started reading them and had two observations:

1. All I wanted to do was buy things. There were articles about how to have great summer hair, of course you had to buy one of the ten products featured. There were articles about the perfect outfit to wear while traveling in which most of the articles of clothing you had to buy. Buy, buy, buy that's one of the many mantras of the USA that I've become quite disgusted with while being abroad.

2. The second observation was somehow, backwardly, all of these magazines are saying you need to want more. You need to want to be prettier or live in a better neighborhood or take better/more trips. You need flatter abs and you need them in 5 weeks. You need better romance and you need it in 20 steps. You need a bigger house and here's where you should look.

Seriously? Is that all I've been missing? It's interesting to me how I loved magazines at home! I would read through them cover to cover and I would always have a couple of things in mind to 'pick up' next time I was at Target. But now, I look at them and all I can think about is I'm satisfied with my life here and I didn't know I needed all of these things or needed to be a certain way until I picked up this magazine.

This certainly wasn't one of the things I had expected to learn while being here. But its an interesting rabbit hole and I think I'm going to explore it further.

I first had these thoughts a couple of weeks ago and since then I keep coming back to them. Another thing that I've noticed is that everything needs a gimmick. For example, I have in my hand 3 issues of Prevention. On the cover of one "Drop Two Sizes Flatten Belly Bulge, Tone Your Butt, Shrink Your Thighs." On the cover of another "SLIM BY SUMMER!" And on the cover of the third "25 Healthiest Foods for Women." I don't know why this is bothering me but don't these all sound like gimmicks? I can tell you how to drop two sizes, every woman in the world can tell you how to drop two sizes. Burn more calories than you consume. It's not rocket science. The "SLIM BY SUMMER" issue came out in May. Isn't summer one month away? What if I'm 30 lbs overweight, I'm not going to be slim by summer. It's not going to happen. And the "25 Healthiest Foods," I bet you could ask a 1st grade class to name you the 25 healthiest foods. Can I just tell you that I just now opened the magazine to list for you some of the healthiest foods and THEY ARE ALL PACKAGED FOODS! WHAT IN THE WORLD AMERICA? YOU CAN'T BE SERIOUS! Prevention, please tell me you are joking! If you were to ask the 1st graders they would tell you things like spinach, carrots, tomatoes, bananas, strawberries, chicken, beans, potatoes, milk, etc. Not Healthy Choice All Natural Roasted Red Pepper Marinara, Triscuit Thin Crisps, or Annie Chun's Mini Wontons.

We wonder why America is so fat it's because we read this garbage and we believe it.

Now Prevention is a reputable magazine, focused on women's health but let me ask you... Why is there a Prevention magazine? Everyone knows what they need to do to live a healthy life, right? Eat well, avoid foods that aren't natural, move your body on a daily basis, don't drink too much, don't smoke too much, do things that give you joy inside, exercise your mind, engage in positive relationships. I didn't have to read those things from a magazine, you just know them.

Another one of America's mantras that I have come to detest is "how can we make money off of this?" The health industry has become just that an industry and the people that control it don't care about your health, they care about making money. From health food, to healthy lifestyle magazines, from beauty products to workout clothing and videos, they care about one bottom line: making a profit at the end of the day. I know some of you will disagree with me, but let me just ask you this one question:

When women in America want to lose weight they try to cut calories by eating diet products. Diet soda, diet salad dressing, diet crackers, diet popcorn, diet, diet, diet. Call it what you will: diet, low fat, zero calorie, whole grain, whatever... it's all diet. Plus they join a gym, create a home workout plan, buy some new videos. Now, how many of those women actually loose a substantial amount of weight? How many of us women are still trying to loose that weight? How long have some of us been trying? Years upon years... let me just tell you: it's an industry ladies.

More to come...


Sunday, July 18, 2010

Photos from Quito

The whole family after a fabulous dinner at Zazu.

I love this one because Dad and Elliott are just being silly =)

Mom in two hemispheres at once!

This is also one of my favorites. Ryan is teaching Elliott how to play guitar.

Mom and I in front of the stained glass at the Basilica!

Cotopaxi Photos

Here are some of my favorite from Elliott's solo time here and our trip to Cotopaxi!

Chuki sitting in the hammocks at the hostel by himself!

The three of us on our last day in Cotopaxi. Somewhere behind us is a perfectly cone shaped volcano!

Elliott and I decided to go horseback riding up one of the other volcanos next to Cotopaxi (called Ruminuahui (sp?)) Needless to say, it was more like ponyback riding for Elliott. His poor horse was soo tiny!

The three of us feeling victorious after climbing to the glacier of Cotopaxi. Notice all of the snow, even in the parking lot!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


My parents arrived in Quito late, late on Tuesday night. Like Elliott´s flight, theirs had also been delayed. The plan was for Ryan, Elliott and me to meet the at the hotel. Ryan had to stay homethough because he was deparasiting i.e. on the toilet. They finally arrived at about 10:30, I think. It was great to see them. Who would have thought the Bogdans would ever go to Ecuador, but there they were... in one of the nicest hotels in Quito. We dropped their bags off in their room and headed over to our apartment. I was SO excited for them to see it but more importantly for them to meet Chuki. We called it a night relatively soon after. We only had 2 days in Quito so we had a lot to see.

The next day we met up with mom and dad pretty early in the morning. We were headed to Old Town. We saw the Basilica, Plaza Grande and the National Cathedral. But we had more important things to do that day. See, Dad was cooking dinner so we had to go to the store.

First we went to the market, Santa Clara for you who were wondering. My little guy where I usually buy our produce was in shock when my dad bought just about one bag of everything. The grand total... somewhere in the $30 range.

Then. we. went. to. Megamaxi. Let me just say I knew there was a reason I loved grocery shopping. Dad had a methodological approach. 1st the outside perimeter, then up and down each row [minus the clothes]. I don't even know what my 2nd favorite purchase was, maybe the $7 orange juice or maybe the pepper grinder. But my 1st favorite purchase was, for sure, my Supermaxi card! We saved over $40 on the 1st purchase alone. Needless to say, our kitchen is well stocked.

We went back home and started cooking. Well by we, I mean my Dad. Mom and I drank some wine (from a bottle instead of a box!) and we all played cards. But then, somewhere in between the courses, came the gifts. I'm talking the better part of 3 suitcases full of gifts. All we can say is THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! Our apartment has never been and probably never will be so full of stuff and happiness as it was when you were here!

Thursday we went to Mitad Del Mundo. In my opinion, it was anti-climactic but a must when you're in Ecuador. We had a very nice lunch in this active crater that is so fertile people farm in it. Very fun! And Thursday night was the big night: ZAZU! [Blog coming soon about the meals we ate when Wally was here.]

Then Friday, mom, dad, Chuki and I went for a nice walk in the park and then we all got ready to leave for Otavalo.

Stay tuned for the rest!


PS. Check out all of the pictures from our trip on facebook. Let me know if you don't have facebook and want to see the pictures (I'll figure out a way)!

Thursday, July 8, 2010


Instead of writing an extremely long post about my family´s whole visit, I decided I´d write in in parts.

Part 1 : Cotopaxi

Elliott´s flight was delayed, by two hours. We waited at the airport with a Dutch girl thats boyfriend was on the same flight from Miami and they hadn´seen each other for 6 months or something like that. I was glad that I wasn´t her.

Anyways, Elliott finally arrived. I was looking for his long curly hair but he had cut it in between the time I left and the time he came and so I kept thinking all of these Ecuadorians were Elliott only to be suprised when I saw them fully.

Because of the delay, not many restaurants were open. We headed into the Mariscal, gringolandia, for dinner and then called it a night.

The next day, Friday, we spent in Quito. We took Chuki to the park and I think Elliott had as much fun running around unsupervised by Dad´s concern for his cast as Chuki did. =)

Saturday we left for Cotopaxi. Now planning a trip to Cotopaxi was kind of a mystery for me. Everything is very hard to decipher here in Ecuador and very few things are straight forward. So we knew we wanted to go to Cotopaxi and hike to the glacier.

As a preface, Cotopaxi is the highest active volcano in the world. Usually it has a very pronounced white glacier at the top, with very dark volcanic sand from the glacier to the bottom of the mountain. wikipedia it if you want more info, for some reason I can´t paste the link here.

So we had arranged with the hostel we were staying at for someone to pick us up at our apartment and drive us (me, Ryan, Elliott and Chuki) to the hostel. The ride was decent. As you can imagine the mountain roads are less then par. I was pretty sure Ryan was going to puke a couple of times. Chuki, on the other hand loved it. He rode most of the way with his head out of the window.

We got there and it was super overcast so we could see no mountain. We figured tomorrow would be better. But basically the long and the short of it is that the whole time we were there we only saw glimpses of this HUGE mountain because the weather was so overcast.

Anyways, the next day we hiked to the glacier, almost (we were about 50 feet short). The snow started coming down about half way up to the glacier and by the time we got to the glacier it was soo icy and the snow was coming down sideways that it was too dangerous to go any farther. Anyways, it was still really HARD and really FUN! We saw two foxes like within 15 feet of us, cool.

I was really proud of Elliott because people that have lived in Quito and acclimatized find hiking to the glacier too hard, but Elliott after one day at 10000 feet was able to do it! I believe he said it was the hardest thing he´s ever done, but don´t quote me.

The next day Elliott and I went horseback riding to the top of another mountain called Ruminahui. It was... long, 6 hours to be exact and Elliott was riding, what seemed to be, a pony, that was very very hungry. We were almost done and this storm just rolled in. Lightning struck right in front of us and it started hailing. As you can imagine, the horses started gallopping, like crazy. And there´s Elliott, one arm in a cast and can only hold on with one hand on a flying and very scared horse. Lets just say, we were glad when we finally got off, even though we were soaked.

The hostal was amazing! A perfect place for Elliott to stay in his first hostel at. I think he really had fun and enjoyed the freedom of travelling without Mom and Dad in a place with young people. All in all we had a great time.

Chuki probably had the most fun of everyone. There were four other dogs there. 2 dalmatians and 2 weiners (Maria Jose you would have died!). Plus they had a TON of land. Chuki would just run around with the other dogs all day. We didn´t have him on a leash at all. In fact, when we went to Cotopaxi we left him at the hostal with all of the other dogs.

All in all, it was a great trip for everyone. Pictures to follow.

Miss you all!


Monday, July 5, 2010

We´re terrible, we know

So after my we´re back post, we weren´t. But hopefully we are now... no promises.

We sent mom and Elliott to the airport this morning. After having people continuously at the house for the last 2.5 - 3 months (with 2 more weeks to go), it was bittersweet to see them go. We had a blast, an absolute blast, I am proud to report. It was great to spend so much time with Elliott. We haven´t done that in, well, ever. I think he had a bit of fun too. And having my mom and dad here was like a suspension of reality. All of the things that we usually worry about, bills, food, enetertainment at a good price, travelling and being able to afford it, seemed to magically be taken care of. It was a HUGE sigh of relief.

We have a full kitchen, an even fuller apartment, and lots of happy memories from this trip. Having them here made us SO excited about them flying us home at Christmas time and being able to spend all of that time with them on vacation. SO EXCITED!

More about their trip when I´m at a better computer!

In other news, Chuki spent his first nights away from us (excluding the hospital) when mom, Elliott, Ryan and I went to the coast. We were gone Wednesday night till Sunday night and I´m proud to report that he did great! Sebas, our friend that watched him, and his family used to have two boxers. So it was a win win situation. Sebas´s and his family got to have a puppy in the house (well in the yard) and we got to go away. Although, we wished we could have taken him because the hostel we stayed at had 4 dogs that Chukes would have loved to play with.

Anyways, despite all the AMAZING meals that we had and the stock pile of cash that we´ve created, Ryan and I were back to soup today. We were sitting at the kitchen table, trying to decide what to add to the ¨Wish List¨ (a list we created of things we need for the apt. that people who stay with us can buy instead of paying us ´rent´.) Anyways, as you can imagine, a lot of those things were purchased by my parents! Including the can opener and the pepper grinder, which we are extremely happy about! We both said, ít feels good to be back to soup´. Weird? Maybe. But its our routine, and its good to be back to it.

Anywho, more later. I promise. I just dropped off 41 lbs of dirty laundry to be washed. See the beauty of soup is, if we eat soup we dont have to scrub the 41 lbs of laundry. Oh the trade offs of life.

I hope everyone had a great 4th of July. I must say it was weird, having the day come and go without a single fire work, flag, or friends around! We miss you all and can´t wait to see you at Christmas time.
